Upcoming Meetings
Stow-cum-Quy Parish Council currently meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month (except for August and December where no meeting is held) at Quy Village Hall at 7:30pm.
Our next council/committee meeting is on: Tuesday 18It is important to us here at Stow-cum-Quy Parish Council to our residents updated with our latest decisions as a parish council. Here you will find both agendas and minutes for all of our meetings that are open to the public.
It is essential to Stow-cum-Quy Parish Council to provide and support the local community. We have many community groups that are open to residents. We also have a thriving business community which welcomes customers from far and wide.
Parish Councils must be transparent with their financial documents and obligations. These can be easily found on our site, making it easier for you to contribute to local decision making and increase our democratic accountability.
Stow-Cum-Quy Parish Council has 7 members and meetings are on the third Tuesday of each month. They discuss all matters connected with the village. All parishioners are welcome to attend these meetings although they may not be allowed to take part in all discussions.
Stow-cum-Quy Parish Council currently meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month (except for August and December where no meeting is held) at Quy Village Hall at 7:30pm.
Our next council/committee meeting is on: Tuesday 18Coronavirus restrictions were lifted by the Government on July 19th 2021. However, it is still absolutely essential that we all remain conscious of our actions, to keep us all safe.
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View photos of the local area and our community here!