The five churches of St Mary’s Stow cum Quy, Holy Trinity Bottisham, St James Lode with Longmeadow, St Mary’s Swaffham Bulbeck & St Mary’s Swaffham Prior were united into the Anglesey Benefice in 2003. The vicarage is at Bottisham. Following the retirement of David Lewis in Sept 2011 there will be no Priest in Charge until an appointment is made jointly by Trinity College and the Bishop of Ely.

Parochial Church Council:

Priest in Charge: Rev Sue Giles 01223 812726
Church Warden: Bill Watts 01223 811063
Secretary: Viv Fleet 01223 812394
Treasurer: Brian Thorby 01223 812147

The PCC consists of 10 members who meet every quarter. These include Lynn Hatley , the organist, and Margaret Lowe who runs the Flower Fund and over sees the decorating of the church.

In the church there are booklets about the history of the church, the history of the village, and a list of all grave stones and their epitaphs. Further copies are available from the church warden.

Church Services:
Services are held in the church on most Sundays, normally at 9.30am. Many of these are communion services. On the fourth Sunday of the month there is a 10.00am benefice communion at each of the churches in turn.

There are no other places of worship in Quy, but there is a very active Baptist Chapel at Lode.

Quy Church Trust:
Stow cum Quy Building Trust (known as Quy Church Trust) was set up in 1994 to raise funds independently of the Parochial Church Trust for the upkeep and maintenance of St Mary’s parish church. Registered charity N0 104735

Money is made available to the PCC on request for work on building and contents. For example Quy Church Trust paid for all the work to eradicate the death watch beetle , and contributed to the damage repair after the lead was stolen from the roof. Quy Church Trust organises fund raising events from time to time and has received generous donations , gift aid, covenants and bequests.

Chairman: Gregg Foster
Treasurer: Maureen Norden
Other trustees: Joan Crisp (secretary), Margaret Lowe and Michael Petty