Quy Village Association was formed to help organise very varied events in the village. We welcome all parishioners to join us. There is no annual subscription and no actual list of members. The committee is elected each year at the AGM in October, but anyone who would like to be involved can be co-opted onto the committee at any time. This committee meets regularly to organise events as varied as quizzes, cycle treasure hunts, children’s events and musical evenings. We have also helped other fledgling groups to get started, while they decide if there is sufficient support to form their own organisation. If you would like to be involved in our association please contact the Chairman qva@stowcumquy.co.uk or call 07923035937.
One of our other main contributions to village life is to produce the Jackdaw Chatter, Quy’s village magazine, four times a year. The magazine is filled with village articles and local advertisements. We would love to hear from anyone in the world who has Quy connections.
Chairman, Chris Wiseman
Secretary, Kevin Harris